Training background
Social problems are becoming an overwhelming burden on the medical profession. Statistics show that 20% of patients consult their GP for issues that are either economic or social, concerns that doctors may not be best equipped to help with. It is clear that new strategies are a necessity so that healthcare professionals can concentrate on the medical needs of patients. However, the health impact of social and economic issues is significant, so it’s vital that people dealing with these types of problems get the help they need as soon as possible.
Social Prescribing schemes have been developed to meet this critical need. They are a vital referral route for doctors and other healthcare professionals, who can ensure their patient is getting the support they need in a non-clinical setting. Delivered by the voluntary and community sector, Social Prescribing schemes give patients the time and space they need to talk about their issues in an informal atmosphere. Following an initial assessment, action can then be taken to connect them to groups, services, and activities that can help address their needs.
By empowering patients with a wide range of practical information and guidance, Social Prescribing schemes make a difference. They help connect patients with the community and physical activities, befriending and enabling services and a myriad of other opportunities to improve their daily lives.
The impact of this work is so significant that the NHS recently announced that it would fund 1,000 Social Prescribing workers to support primary care practices by April 2021. The results prove that through Social Prescribing, we can reduce the burden on our medical professionals and make an enormous difference in the lives of people in social and economic turmoil.
Our two-day CERTIFIED TRAINING is designed to ensure that those providing Social Prescribing services learn the necessary skills and information to undertake this crucial role successfully.
We are planning to train Social Prescribers across England and Wales.
More details about the training can be found here